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What is monolayer-pg?

monolayer-pg is a PostgreSQL database schema manager for TypeScript projects built on top of kysely with:

Here's a taste of how you define database schemas with monolayer-pg:

const users = table({
  columns: {
    id: integer().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
    email: text().notNull(),
    name: text(),
  constraints: {
    primaryKey: primaryKey(["id"]),
    unique: [unique(["email"])],
  indexes: [index(["email"])],

const posts = table({
  columns: {
    id: integer().generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(),
    title: text().notNull(),
    content: text(),
    published: boolean().default(false),
    authorId: integer(),
    createdAt: timestampWithTimeZone().notNull().default(sql`now()`),
    updatedAt: timestampWithTimeZone().notNull().default(sql`now()`),
  constraints: {
    primaryKey: primaryKey(["id"]),
    foreignKeys: [
      foreignKey(["authorId"], users, ["id"])
        .deleteRule("set null")
  indexes: [index(["authorId"])],

export const dbSchema = schema({
  tables: {

Head over to the Quickstart and begin using monolayer-pg!